The Newcomer Read online

Page 13

  But he didn't ask her again the whole evening. He danced mostly with Nina, deserting her only to have the occasional one with Alys. Sara put on as good a front as possible. She had too much pride to want anyone to know how she felt about him.

  Are you enjoying yourself ? ' Oliver asked her about half way through. the evening.

  She gave him a warm smile. He was a dear. If only it were he she had fallen in love with.

  I enjoy dancing with you,' she answered.

  He pressed her hand. Well now, isn't that nice ? Thank you, Sara. By the way, notices' you and Jim looking pretty grim when you were dancing together. Have you been having words ? '

  She laughed briefly. We're always having words. We've--never really hit it off since the day I came.'

  She thought she must be mad, inflicting pain on herself like this.

  ' Hm,' said Oliver. ` It's very odd. But I suppose it is that way with people sometimes. Do you really dislike him so much ? '

  She forced herself to sound casual. ` No, not really. In fact, I sometimes think we just enjoy a bit of backchat. The only trouble is, he's so domineering and— sarcastic.'

  Oliver smiled and changed the subject. Sara was relieved, and for the rest of the evening avoided mentioning his name or even speaking to him. She could only do this by giving her full attention to Oliver, and he responded with obvious pleasure. Sara tried to ignore the amused and pointed glances of Alys and Bob directed at them from time to time, the slightly raised eyebrows of Rector and Mrs Ready, and the disapproving glances of Mrs Williams.

  Nina, for the greater part of the evening, had an aloof, ' cat that has been at the cream ' look on her face, and Sara felt she could have hit her. She was looking particularly well turned out in a very simple but expensive-looking dress and an absolutely splendid hair-do.

  ' You know, I really do think there's something between those two,' Alys said, as Jim led Nina on to the dance floor once more.

  He could do worse,' Bob answered. ' In fact I should think she'd be just about the ideal wife for him. At least she knows what a doctor's wife has to put up with.'

  This was more than Sara could stand. ` Oliver, do you mind taking me home now ? I should think the evening's nearly over, anyhow, and I've had quite a few late nights lately.'

  He stood up at once. ` Of course I don't mind. I've just about had enough myself, anyway. Goodnight, folks— ' he said to Alys and Bob.

  Sara said goodnight, too, and was treated to a significant glance from both of them. But she was beyond caring.

  Are you very tired ? ' Oliver asked as they reached her car. If so, perhaps you'd like me to drive.'

  No, no, it's all right. I think I've gone off dancing, that's all. I've enjoyed those I had with you,' she said hastily, but I think what I really prefer is dining and dancing.'

  Well, we could do that one evening.'

  Oliver, you're sweet ! '

  She drove the short journey home and asked him if he'd like to come in for coffee and something to eat.

  Would Jessie approve ? ' he asked. It's past midnight.'

  I don't care whether Jessie approves or not,' she said belligerently.

  Oliver laughed. That's the spirit. Lead on V

  Jessie had left a tray set for her on the kitchen table, but only for one. Sara made some coffee and added another cup to the tray along with cheese and biscuits, and Oliver carried it into the sitting-room for her. She poured out and they were both silent for a little while. Sara was wondering how she was going to be able to stay here, feeling as she did about Jim, when Oliver said:

  Sara, are you really settled here ? '

  She stared at him. He might almost have been reading her thoughts.

  I—I don't know, Oliver. It's very hard to say.. I like the country, in fact I like it very much. And I'm getting to know the patients, taking an interest in what's going on in the village, but '

  But you're not a hundred per cent happy.'

  She sighed. I must confess I'm not. There's Uncle John, of course. I wouldn't want to let him down.'

  He could get someone else--when he's better. That is, if you wanted to move on.'

  Ye—s, that's so. Why d'you ask, Oliver ? '

  But his reply was vague. Oh—no particular reason. I just wondered.'

  She thought he seemed rather quiet and restrained, but when she saw him to the door, he took her in his arms and kissed her, then brushed his cheek against hers.

  We'll have that evening out soon, dinner and dancing, just the two of us. I've gone off crowds, too, since I've known you. I love you, Sara.'

  He spoke the words so quietly, she couldn't be sure she heard alright. But she was touched by his affection, and in her love for Jim was trembling on the brink of a new emotionalism. She smoothed his cheek, and he captured her hand and kissed it. Then he caught her to him again fiercely, and she welcomed his kiss, yet at the same time an uncertainty gripped her, a feeling she ought not to be letting him do this.

  But she did not want to repulse him altogether. She said goodnight as gently as she could and he released her.

  Goodnight, then, sweetheart. I'll either pop round to see you or give you a ring.'

  She locked the door behind him and put out the lights, then with a deep sigh, mounted the stairs. What a muddle she seemed to have got into. Why couldn't it have been Jim instead of Oliver who was But how serious was Oliver ? The days were gone when a kiss denoted everlasting love. Perhaps Oliver was just attracted to her without necessarily being head over heels. Both men and women had a need to be able to show affection, without marriage being the objective.

  All the same, she felt their relationship had gone far enough. It was reaching danger point if it had not already done so, and it would be wrong of her to work

  off her frustrations on Jim's account on to Oliver. She would see him once more, then not again. At least, not alone. To go on like this was not fair on him, and neither was there any point in her becoming involved in something she would later regret.

  As to Jim, she would avoid contact with him as much as possible, too, and when she did see him, her feelings must be kept well under control.

  Determinedly, she closed her eyes, but she could not ignore the tight little knot of pain lying at the very core of her being.

  With the steady advance of winter, surgeries were becoming bigger and the usual epidemics of influenza, sciatica, coughs and colds were becoming evident. Sara would have forgotten her promise to go to the Women's Institute meeting had not Alys rung up to remind her.

  I may be late,' Sara warned her. ' The sudden change in the weather has brought a crop of minor ills. I'll be lucky if I've finished evening surgery in time. And of course, there's always a chance I might be called out.'

  ' You haven't changed your mind about corning, have you ? ' asked Alys suspiciously.

  ' Of course not.'

  ' Then get Jim to take your calls, and hustle things up in surgery. I know you doctors like to listen to all their troubles, domestic and personal as well as medical, but some of those folk would talk for ever more. They just love a gossip.'

  Sara laughed, knowing that Alys didn't mean to be hard. ' All right, I'll do my best. 'Bye.'

  There was nothing for it but to ring Jim and ask him to stand in for her. Half hoping he would not be in, she dialled his number. He answered the phone himself. In as normal a voice as possible, she asked him if he would mind taking any calls for her that

  evening. He was such a long time in answering her, she thought they had been cut off.

  But his voice came, heavy with sarcasm: Another date with Oliver ? '

  She gripped the instrument tightly. Have you any objections ? ' She hadn't meant to come back at him in this way, but somehow, she couldn't help herself.

  Objections ? ' he echoed. Me ? Good lord, no, why should I ? No, you go out and enjoy yourself. At the rate you're going on, it'll be wedding bells soon, I shouldn't wonder, and all I can say is, it's been mighty quick work.'r />
  She compressed her lips in pain and anger and hung up without even saying goodbye. How long was she going to endure this sort of thing ? she wondered.

  As it happened, surgery was not really large that evening. Sara went to the W.I. meeting and found she thoroughly enjoyed it. Members were of all ages from young married women to the middle-aged .and elderly. Alys conducted the business in a brisk but friendly manner, the talk was by a beautician on makeup with a demonstration, and for tea delicious homemade cakes were served. Sara was delighted to see both Mrs Warby and Rosemary Carter there, and also among the number were Mrs Ready and Mrs Williams, as well as Mrs Scott and the other farmer's wife, Mrs Marley.

  Deliberately, Sara went up to Mrs Williams and spoke to her.

  Never a dull moment in the country, Mrs Williams, is there ? seemed a' friendly enough approach to Sara. But she met with a blank stare.

  I don't know what you mean, Doctor.'

  Just a remark, that's all.'

  Really ? Will you excuse me ? Mrs Ready wants to speak to me?

  Sara shrugged. The farmer's wife still hadn't forgiven her, it seemed. She hoped it might be the other's

  conscience troubling her about the state of her cottages. A tap, a sink and a soakaway seemed such a small thing to withhold, especially when you yourself had so much. Sara shook her head sadly.

  Later in the evening, she was having a word with the Rector's wife and met with more success.

  ' How are you ? ' Sara asked.

  ' Not too badly, Doctor, really. But at this time of the year in particular, my arthritis troubles me.'

  Does it ? I am sorry.' Her glance went automatically to Mrs Ready's hands. How long have you had it ? '

  ' About three years, on and off. Sometimes it's worse than others. It's bad first thing in the morning. Takes me ages to dress and so on. Such a disadvantage.'

  Yes, it must be,' Sara said sympathetically. Have you seen the doctor about it ? '

  ' I did see one doctor-,--before my husband and I came here. But he just gave me some tablets for the pain and told me to exercise my joints as much as possible.'

  I see.' There were other questions Sara would have liked to ask, but the village hall was hardly the place for a consultation. Why don't you drop into the surgery one morning and let's talk about it ? ' she suggested.

  Oh, it's all right, Doctor, thanks. I wouldn't want to waste your valuable time. You must be extra busy with Dr Henderson being in hospital. How is he, by the way ? '

  Sara told her he was doing nicely, then moved on to have a word with Mrs Warby who was chatting to Rosemary Carter.

  Did you enjoy the meeting ? ' Alys asked when the time came to go home.

  Very much indeed. I had no idea the W.I. were interested in things like make-up.'

  Oh, we're interested in anything and everything. Music, drama, painting, handicrafts—you name it, we do it. By the way, how about coming back with me for supper ? It must be rather lonely for you with Father in hospital. You can give Jessie a ring when we get there.'

  Sara accepted gladly. When all was said and done, she thought, there was nothing to take the place of a good woman friend. Men brought with them too many problems. Bob was out at some meeting, and so Alys and Sara had the house to themselves for a while. They had some supper on a tray in front of the sitting-room fire, and gradually, Sara began to feel really relaxed. She was smoking a cigarette and gazing into the fire when Alys said:

  You know, you've been looking a little strained since Father went into hospital, Sara. I - hope the practice isn't proving too much for you.'

  Sara smiled slightly. Good heavens, no, Alys. It isn't the practice. I mean---'

  What, then. ? ' prompted Alys.

  Sara shook her head. Alys had taken her off her guard. I'm all right, Alys.'

  But Alys was not taken in. You can't fool me, Sara. Something's wrong. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep or

  Sara closed her eyes. 'Alys, it's so peaceful here. I envy you.'

  Do you ? Why ? '

  Oh, don't get me wrong. Jessie's a wonderful housekeeper and all that. But

  But it isn't your own home. That it ? '

  ' Something like that.'

  Alys eyed her keenly. Tell me, Sara, how friendly are you with Oliver ? '

  ' We—ell, we've been out together a number of times. I like him a lot, but '

  Is there any likelihood of anything else, do you think ? '

  No, Alys.'

  Alys' eyebrows lifted. That sounds definite, at

  any rate. But you surprise me. I thought you seemed very fond of each other. I'm quite sure Oliver is of you. I've never seen him so keen on anyone.'

  Sara sighed. ' Please, Alys, don't talk about it. I thought it possible myself at one time, and I was willing to let things develop, but '

  ' You've turned against him for some reason ? '

  She shook her head. I might as well tell you, since I know you'll keep it to yourself. I discovered only the other day—on the night of the Young Farmers' Ball, to be exact—that I've—fallen in love with that insufferable man Jim Crombie.'

  It was a relief to say, it, Sara discovered. It somehow eased the pain a little which had lain in a tight, constricted ball. A look of delight lit Alys' face.

  But that's marvellous ! '

  ' Is it ? ' asked Sara dully. We've done nothing but fight ever since I came. He despises me.'

  Oh, come now, Sara. That's nonsense.'

  It isn't. You don't know. You're not there when he—talks to me as if ' Tears she was powerless

  to prevent, filled her eyes. Alys, what am I going to do ? ' she murmured.

  Sara, my dear— ' Alys' hand shot out to touch hers. This is dreadful. But you're mistaken about Jim. I—I'm sure you are.'

  Sara shook her head. No, I'm not. And besides, there's Nina.'

  Nina ? What on earth has Nina got to do with it ? '

  It was Sara's turn to look surprised. Why, you said yourself on the night of the dance that you thought there was something between them. So did Bob. He said she'd be the ideal wife for him.'

  Oh dear, so we did. But we weren't serious, and I'm quite sure Jim— '

  Sara smiled slightly. It's very nice of you to try to comfort me, but there's no escaping the facts. I'll just have to learn to live with it and hope that, in time, I shall get over it, that's all. And if it proves too much, I shall have to pack my bags and go somewhere else. It's been nice to talk to someone about it, anyway, Alys. But don't you dare give me away to anyone, least of all to Jim.'

  As if I would I '

  anything Sara heaved a great sigh. I know. I never thought

  like this was going to happen when I came here. Iran away from one situation only to land myself in another.'

  ' My dear, an unmarried woman as attractive and intelligent as yourself will continue to run into trouble. At least, one with a conscience, I might add. What you need. is ' She broke off. Sorry, I'm afraid I was going to be just a wee bit tactless.'

  Go on,' Sara said ironically. You were going to say that what I need is a husband.'


  After this, there was no more to say on the subject, but Sara felt better for having talked to Alys.

  One morning when Sara was out on her calls, she had occasion to pass the Rectory, and on impulse called to see Mrs Ready. Mrs Ready's pleasure at seeing her warmed Sara's heart.

  Come in, Doctor. I was just about to make some coffee. Will you join me ? '

  Sara thanked her. This isn't really a professional visit,' she said when Mrs Ready brought the coffee in to her sitting-room. But I have been thinking of that arthritis of yours.'

  That's very kind of you. But any time you're passing, Doctor, do drop in. There'll always be a cup

  of tea or coffee for you. I've been meaning to say so before, really.'

  Sara could hardly believe it, but was tremendously pleased at the other's friendliness. You. and the Rector must come round to Dr Hende
rson's and have a meal with me one evening. But I was thinking. I noticed a faint scar on your neck the other evening. You've had a thyroidectomy, haven't you ? '

  ' Yes, I have.'

  ' Well, I'm wondering whether what you think is arthritis is really tetanus.'

  ' Tetanus ? But I've always associated that with wounds infection.'

  That's one kind. But there's another kind which is due to a lack of calcium.' She tried to keep the explanation simple. It's often associated, in adults, with an enlarged thyroid, and may also be the result of some disease of the parathyroid.'

  Mrs Ready looked startled: ' Good heavens ! Does that mean '

  No, no,' Sara hastened to reassure her. In your case, it's very likely that the parathyroids became disturbed or injured slightly when you had your thyroidectomy. They're situated at the back of the thyroid, you see.'

  But how can all this cause arthritis--or what seems like arthritis ? '

  It causes an increase in muscle tone. Now, let me look at your hands.'

  Mrs Ready held out her hands. The thumb was flexed across the palm, the fingers bent and the hands themselves turned inward.

  I must admit it does have the appearance of arthritis, but there's this difference,' said Sara. The joints are not really swollen. It's muscle spasm. I'll put you on a course of calcium and an iron tonic and see what happens. This is quite common on the Continent, but not so much in this country.'

  ' Fancy that. There might be numerous people going around thinking they've got arthritis when all the time it's this—tetanus. If this works, I'll bless you for ever more, Doctor.'

  ' Call me Sara. Much more friendly. Now, I must go. Thanks for the coffee. It was very, very nice.'

  Mrs Ready showed her to the door, a thoughtful expression on her face. Sara sensed that she wanted to say something, but thought that if it were anything that ought to be said, Mrs Ready would find another opportunity.

  It was odd that, that very same night, there came an urgent call from Farmer Williams. Mrs Williams was at screaming point with pains in her back and legs.